The David Ross Education Trust

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Welton CE Academy

At Welton CE we continually strive and motivate our students through a rich and inspiring curriculum.
“We are a forward-thinking school rooted in the community – everyone learning and growing in faith.”
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit”
John 15 v5

DRET Sport Health and Wellbeing Morning at Welton CE Academy

On January 13th, Mrs. Le Voi and Miss Fensome from the DRET Sport Team led a Health and Wellbeing Morning at Welton CE Primary Academy. The event, designed for EYFS and Key Stage 1 pupils, focused on educating students about the importance of personal hygiene and making healthy option snack choices.

The morning began with the DRET Horizon Celebration Assembly for Early Years, Year 1 and Year 2.

A special highlight of the assembly was a visit from Horizon, the DRET Sport mascot, who joined in the celebrations and shared in the joy of the pupils’ successes. Horizon’s presence was a welcomed addition to the event, encouraging and motivating students as they reflected on their achievements.

The Health and Wellbeing Morning provided an excellent opportunity to not only celebrate personal milestones but also to promote healthy habits and positive lifestyles among young learners. It was a day filled with learning, celebration, and inspiration, making it a memorable occasion for both students and staff.