The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Welton CE Academy

At Welton CE we continually strive and motivate our students through a rich and inspiring curriculum.
“We are a forward-thinking school rooted in the community – everyone learning and growing in faith.”
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit”
John 15 v5


At Welton CE Academy each child is taught a broad and rich curriculum, which is appropriate to their abilities.

We teach the National Curriculum at Foundation Stages, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

Pupils are taught in all subjects in mixed age classes. This ensures that all children experience a wide range of experiences appropriate to their age and ability. At Welton we want everyone to have fun as they learn and so we teach a curriculum which is both challenging and enjoyable.

We use the Effective Maths scheme supplemented with activities and investigations appropriate for the needs of the children in the class. This scheme enables us to ensure that the basic skills of calculation and number are embedded early on and covers all aspects of the Maths Curriculum.

Reading and Phonics are taught using Read Write Inc. - a phonics, reading and writing programme, from Reception onwards and we also use Oxford Reading Tree and Oxford Treetops.  Pupils read a wide range, including classics and contemporary fiction, and non-fiction based on the DRET Recommended Book List.

As well as the academic curriculum, pupils take part in a wide range of extra-curricular activities and have regular enrichment opportunities such as day trips, residentials and visitors in school.  It is our belief that education is not just about academic scores, but also making sure each pupil is a caring, well-rounded individual who is ready for their next step in education.


We offer a very well-balanced curriculum that ensures that all targets set by the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum are available to all children.

This education is not only academic, but includes cultural, social, spiritual, physical development, growth and fun.

We plan the curriculum carefully to provide a meaningful and worthwhile education that will prepare our children for the experiences and responsibilities of secondary education and later life. Clear procedures are in place to identify and meet children’s needs providing extra support and new challenges where appropriate to help every child fulfil their potential.

A wide range of learning opportunities and activities are offered alongside the statutory curriculum, which complement learning within the classroom.


Subject Leadership at Welton CE Academy and Newnham Primary

To ensure a balanced, rigorous and achieving team our curriculum leadership is shared across Newnham Primary and Welton CE Academy.  Middle and senior leaders working across both sites to ensure the very best outcomes for children in both schools.

This greater pool of staffing expertise to draw upon adds a breadth and depth to the curriculum offer that both schools are able to make. 

This shared leadership translates into children who are better equipped to transition smoothly into secondary education.  It also helps to ensure children have strategies to enable them to solve a variety of problems.  We also aim to ensure children have factual knowledge in their long term memory which enables them to make connections between different concepts and provides a firm foundation upon which to build further learning as they progress though life.

 British Values

Our Trust is very supportive of the ethos of promoting British Values, and preparing our pupils for success in a modern Britain.

A heavy reliance is placed upon broadening horizons for each and every child and this includes developing the core skills of tolerance, respect, teamwork, resilience and building self esteem. These are all values and qualities that we feel are relevant in order to play a full and meaningful role in society, and are promoted via our extensive house systems that lends themselves to cultural and sporting competition, democratic principles, social mixing, the development of greater pastoral care and enhanced PSHE.

At Welton CE Academy and Newnham Primary we uphold and teach pupils about the British Values which are defined as:

  • democracy
  • rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect
  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

These values are taught explicitly through Personal, Social, Health and Emotional (PSHE), and Religious Education (RE). We also teach the British Values through planning and delivering a broad and balanced curriculum, and the way we run our schools (embodying respect, democracy and tolerance of all).

The schools take opportunities to actively promote British Values through our focii on a different values and whole school themed assemblies and whole school systems.  We also actively promote the British values through ensuring that our curriculum planning and delivery includes real opportunities for exploring these values. Actively promoting British Values also means challenging pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British Values, including ‘extremist’ views.

These values are reinforced regularly.

 For further information about the curriculum followed at Welton CE Academy please contact us.

Our Subjects



Subject Leader - Mrs Gaffney (Welton)

Here at Welton CE Academy we are committed to ensuring that all children develop the ability to communicate fluently and effectively. We do this by delivering a designated Talk for Reading lesson a day in addition to Read Write Inc lessons. Read Write Inc is designed to support early readers with phonic development and initial reading skills such as blending and comprehension.

Welton CE Academy is a Read Write Inc. model school and we use this scheme from Reception to Year 2. Reading is taught daily through Talk for Reading and class story sessions.

All children at Welton CE Academy have a reading book and a reading record to take home. In Key Stage 1 the reading books are phonetically decodable and link to the Read Write Inc. scheme. With such high expectations, we recommend pupils read at least three times a week at home and that reading records are completed by parents and guardians so that progress can be monitored and there is a positive home-school link. 

 A love of reading is developed through the experience of high-quality texts from a variety of authors during the Talk for Writing sessions and through use of our reading for pleasure books and our class stories. All children, from our early readers to those who are fluent, have a rich and varied reading diet, promoting both reading pleasure and an experience and appreciation for a range of texts.

By the end of Key Stage 2 we expect children to be competent and confident readers who can read a wide range of texts and show an understanding through proficient comprehension skills.

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Subject Leader - Mrs Avery (Welton)

We believe that knowledge, understanding and the successful application of the English language is a fundamental life skill; it develops children’s ability to communicate their experiences, desires and knowledge effectively and successfully. Throughout our school, we aim to nurture and develop independent writers through purposeful, engaging and developmental lessons which link to our rich and stimulating creative curriculum work.

During our Talk for Writing lessons, we support our children to express themselves creatively and imaginatively, as they become enthusiastic and critical readers of stories, poetry and drama; as well as non-fiction and media texts. This allows pupils to learn a quality story or text that they can then imitate in their own writing before innovating in a different context. We look at many different forms of writing across the school such as stories with imaginative settings, instructions, recounts, humorous poems and so on. We apply these writing genres across the curriculum to ensure the children gain lifelong skills and are prepared for writing in the wider world.

Our children also gain an understanding of how language works by looking at its patterns, structures and origins and use their knowledge, skills and understanding across a range of different situations.

The daily talk for writing lessons are linked to the current national curriculum objectives. The units of work begin with a cold write which is an independent piece of writing to assess previous understanding and knowledge. The children then repeat this task at the end of the unit as a hot write. This showcases the progress and learning that have taken place across the unit. Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar is taught as part of the T4W lessons as well as in cross- curricular writing opportunities.

Welton CE Academy follow the Read Write Inc spelling programme to ensure that our children become competent and confident spellers building on prior knowledge of spelling rules. We also encourage and teach handwriting daily and have a certificate awards in our Celebration Assembly.




Subject Leader - Mrs Gaffney (Welton)

 Our maths lessons are designed so that every pupil reaches their full potential and develops an interest in the subject. Teachers have high expectations of all pupils and believe that every pupil can do maths; our curriculum aims to instil this belief within our pupils too.

At Newnham Primary School and Welton CE Academy, we use Effective Maths as a vessel to deliver our mastery teaching. Lessons are based upon the models of delivering maths mastery, making solid use of the Rosenshine Principles for direct instruction.

Our pupils will face regular quizzes, have access to quality modelling and structuring of mathematical concepts; concepts that are introduced in small steps. Pupils will also come across many problems and will be encouraged to use reasoning skills as well as a variety of problem solving strategies.

Effective Maths (our tool for delivering our curriculum) is a comprehensive framework for ensuring high quality maths teaching. Lessons are designed carefully to incorporate the principles of maths mastery, this includes:

  • Mathematical thinking which includes spotting patterns and drawing on connections
  • Procedural and conceptual variation; considering what a concept is and what it isn’t as well as using relationships to deepen understanding
  • Fluency; drawing upon further skills learnt as part of our fluency sessions
  • Partner tasks which allow for high quality talk and supports chains of reasoning
  • Representations that draw out the mathematical structures for the operations, such as: bar models, 10s frames, number lines

Every child at Newnham and Welton have a Times Table Rockstars login which allows all pupils to access the site, it also gives pupils in reception to year 3 access to Numbots.

Where possible, at our schools, pupil will have opportunities to learn maths in context. We also look for opportunities to use maths across the curriculum, especially in - but not confined to - science. We believe strongly that mathematics is both a life skill and an academic subject. Our teaching reflects both these approaches.

In addition to our main maths lesson, at Newnham Primary School and Welton CE Academy we place an important emphasis on our pupils being fluent in mathematical knowledge and recognising connections. This forms part of the principles behind maths mastery for all pupils. All pupils, in all year groups, have regular lessons which focus on developing their fluency skills across the maths curriculum; this includes being flexible and accurate with facts as well as being able to use a variety of efficient strategies for calculation. This supports pupils to access their effective maths sessions, focusing on the concepts taught, with fluency skills already embeded.



Subject Leader - Mr Taylor (Welton)

Our Science Curriculum is sequenced coherently so useful knowledge and skills builds through the three distinct disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. As a result of the accumulation of essential knowledge and skills pupils’ science capital and scientific understanding will be substantial and will provide a secure foundation that will enable them to succeed in the next stage of their education.

At Welton CE Academy, we aim to stimulate children's curiosity by engaging our pupils in science activities that are designed to encourage pupils to plan, observe, predict, investigate and analyse. 



Subject Leader - Mrs Fahy (Newnham)

Our Geography Curriculum is sequenced coherently so useful knowledge builds through two distinct strands; Locational Knowledge and Human and Physical Geography.  As a result of the accumulation of essential knowledge pupils are provided with the frameworks and approaches that explain how the Earth’s features at different scales are shaped, interconnected and change over time, enabling them to become true global citizens. 



Subject Leader - Mrs Fahy (Newnham)

Our History Curriculum is sequenced coherently so useful knowledge builds through six unifying themes; humans and the environment, cultural develops and interactions, governance, economic systems, system interaction and organisation and technology and innovation. As a result of the accumulation of essential knowledge pupils’ cultural capital and historical disciplines will be substantial and will provide a secure foundation that will enable them to succeed in the next stage of their education.



Subject Leader - Mr Mead (Newnham)

Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE Education) is such an important and necessary part of all pupils education. This is taught in discreet PSHE lessons and modelled and delivered throughout our entire curriculum in our values and our ethos.


Art & DT


Subject Leader - Miss Mallon (Welton)

Art and DT encourages children to think, developing skills and confidence as they go. Here at Welton CE Academy our curriculum stimulates creativity and imagination.

Our aim is for children to enjoy Art & Design through developing increased confidence in their ability to communicate what they feel and think through the use of colour, texture, form and pattern using different materials, tools and techniques. We aim to develop each pupil’s skill in drawing, painting, sculpture and shade.

Together with teaching children with the different artistic skills, we teach children about a variety of artists that reflect upon the skills taught. Pupils will learn about know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation. The artists chosen provide pupils with positive role models that they can aspire to emulate, as well as developing their understanding of their own and others’ cultural heritages. Children will also be encouraged to reflect and critic their own work as well as the work as others.



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Subject Leader - Miss Avery (Welton)

Music plays a central role within the curriculum at DRET schools and is fundamental to our wider trust mission of creating aspirational and knowledge-rich pupils. Pupils will perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians. Pupils will also learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others, have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, use technology appropriately and have the opportunity to progress to the next level of musical excellence. Pupils will understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the interrelated dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.

The DRET Music curriculum aims to ensure that all children:

  • Sing with a wide range and with a variety of expression.
  • Sing confidently in parts.
  • Read staff notation.
  • Experience playing an orchestral instrument in class ensemble (and to be given the opportunity to continue learning the instrument in smaller groups/one-to-one).
  • Hear a youth or professional orchestra live.
  • Hear a youth, church or professional choir live

In addition, there are opportunities for those children showing musical aptitude to be able to develop their musicianship through singing in choirs, playing in instrumental ensembles and joining local (and national) musical groups. The school’s Music Lead, guided by a DRET Primary Music Specialist, will direct these children to such ensembles.



Subject Leader - Mr Mead (Newnham) 

Children receive a varied and balanced P.E. curriculum with every child receiving two hours physical education each week. During lunch we encourage our children to participate daily in our Moving Mile.
We aim to establish an active school ethos and environment. We do this by working with key partners, including sports coaches and Daventry Leisure Centre.



Subject Leader - Mrs Pinsent (Newnham) 

We teach Latin. The understanding of words is integral for how we read and how we communicate successfully. Our knowledge of words is inextricably bound to our knowledge of the world, words have depth, their own histories, that are revealed through human history. When children learn the deeper meanings of the words, it can make it more memorable, complimenting their learning.



Subject Leader - Mrs Gaffney (Welton)

Our RE lessons are planned so that every pupil reaches their full potential and develops an interest in the subject as well as an understanding and respect for all religions and none.

At Welton CE Academy we use Understanding Christianity as a curriculum resource and follow the Diocese of Peterborough scheme of work to deliver our RE lessons.  Welton’s vision: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; (John 15 v5) is strongly emphasised, embedded and encouraged in our school community.  This encourages the children to think about the impact of their actions, the world the Jesus would want and how we can act to improve our community, environment and the world.  During lessons children are taught to make sense of the belief they are learning about, to make connections and to understand the impact of these beliefs in everyday life.

By the end of the curriculum all pupils will have a deep knowledge and understanding of some of the world’s religions and will have acquired the skills of philosophers being able to ask perceptive questions, think critically, consider evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. Pupils will have a broader understanding of the different religions which will reduce prejudice within their community and enable them to respect one another after discovering more about the way they live. Educating pupils about the different beliefs will also help them articulate their own beliefs and enable them to make links and respect the action of others.

Outdoor Learning

Subject Leader - Mr Humphries (Welton)

At Welton CE Academy, we champion outdoor learning across the entire curriculum, using 'The Spinney ' as our central outdoor classroom. This immersive approach ignites creativity and imagination, promoting critical thinking, skill development, and confidence through practical, nature-based experiences.

Our goal is for children to find joy in learning by integrating outdoor activities into various subjects. Whether it's exploring scientific concepts, engaging in mathematical problem-solving, or enhancing literacy skills, 'The Spinney' offers a dynamic and inspiring environment. This hands-on approach helps students express their ideas and emotions while developing a deeper understanding of the material.

In addition to teaching core academic skills, we introduce students to a wide range of real-world applications and historical contexts. Pupils learn how different disciplines shape our history and contribute to the culture, creativity, and progress of our society. This holistic approach provides positive role models and enriches students' understanding of their own and others' cultural heritages. Children are also encouraged to reflect on their work and the work of others, fostering a collaborative and introspective learning atmosphere throughout all subjects.





Subject Leader - Mr Taylor (Welton)

Computing is split into three fundamental elements: Computer Science, Digital Literacy and Information Technology.

Computer Science is the core of the computing curriculum, in which children learn how the digital systems work and how to put this knowledge into action through programming. The children use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content.

Digital Literacy ensure the children can develop their ideas with the use of information and communication technology to ensure they are active participants in a digital world and are at a level suitable for the future workplace.

We also teach the children about safety online: how to spot any dangers; how they can be avoided easily and what to do if they encounter any misuse of the internet.

David Ross Education Trust and British Values

The Trust is very supportive of the ethos of promoting British Values, and preparing our pupils for success in a modern Britain.

A heavy reliance is placed upon broadening horizons for each and every child and this includes developing the core skills of tolerance, respect, teamwork, resilience and building self-esteem. These are all values and qualities that we feel are relevant in order to play a full and meaningful role in society, and are promoted via our extensive house system that lends itself to cultural and sporting competition, democratic principles, social mixing, the development of greater pastoral care and enhanced PSHE.

Click here to find out more about British Values at our academy